
JellySwap aeternity package

What is JellySwap?

JellySwap is a cross-chain atomic swap protocol that supports many different blockchains. The aeternity package is used to interact with the Aeternity Hash Time Locked Contracts and to handle blockchain events. The main components of the module are Providers, Contract, Event, Adapter and Config.

Install package

Using yarn

$ yarn add @jelly-swap/aeternity@0.1.26-node

Using npm

$ npm install @jelly-swap/aeternity@0.1.26-node


JavaScript (ES3)

const jellyAeternity = require('@jelly-swap/aeternity');

JavaScript (ES6) / TypeScript

import * as jellyAeternity from '@jelly-swap/aeternity';

Config Module

This module contains the main configuration for the whole package.

const config = jellyAeternity.Config(token?, expiration?);

//Expected output
  network: 'AE',
  explorer: '',
  providerUrl: '',
  internalUrl: '',
  compilerUrl: '',
  wsUrl: 'wss://',
  contractAddress: 'ct_2M9XPMwz1GggFRPatEd2aAPZbig32ZqRJBnhTT2yRVM4k6CQnb',
  receiverAddress: 'ak_2ifr2XxhrMskWdnXZqJE2mVhhwhXYvQD6nRGYLMR5mTSHW4RZz',
  blockTime: 15,
  expiration: 10800,
  decimals: 18,
  unix: false,
  apiUrl: '' 

Provider Module

A Provider abstracts a connection to the Aeternity blockchain, for issuing queries and sending signed state changing transactions.

HTTP Provider - allows you to connect to Aeternity nodes you control or have access to, including mainnet, testnets, etc.

const httpProvider = new jellyAeternity.Providers.HTTP();

Waellet Provider

const waelletProvider = new jellyAeternity.Providers.Waellet();

Contract Module

Contract module is used to interact with the Sophia Contract and get blockchain specific data (balance, blockNumber, subscribe to events, get past events).

Create contract instance:

const aeternityContract = new jellyAeternity.Contract(provider);


await jellyContract.subscribe(onEvent, filter?);


Returns past blockchain events.

const pastEvents = await jellyContract.getPastEvents(eventType?, filter?, currentBlock?);


Returns the latest block.

const currentBlock = await aeternityContract.getCurrentBlock();


Returns the balance of the given address.

const balance = await aeternityContract.getBalance(address);


Returns the swaps statuses by given ids.

const statuses = await aeternityContract.getStatus(ids);


Creates and broadcasts a new swap transaction.

const transactionHashSwap = await aeternityContract.newContract(swap);


Creates and broadcasts a withdraw transaction.

const transactionHashWithdraw = await aeternityContract.withdraw(withdraw);


Creates and broadcasts a refund transaction.

const transactionHashRefund = await aeternityContract.refund(contractRefund);

Event module

Event module is used to read past blockchain events and subscribe for new ones

Initialize event module:

const aeternityEvents = new jellyAeternity.Event(aeternityContract);


Returns past blockchain events.

const pastEvents = await aeternityEvents.getPast(eventType, filter?, currentBlock?);


await aeternityEvents.subscribe(onEvent, filter?);

Adapter module

The Adapter module is used to format the client data and prepare the input for the swaps.

Initialize adapter module:

const aeternityAdapter = new jellyAeternity.Adapter();


Generate swap id based on the input parameters. The same id will be generated by the Solidity Contract.

const id = aeternityAdapter.generateId(input);


Checks if the passed address is valid or not.

const isAddressValid = aeternityAdapter.addressValid(address);


Returns the address in lower case.

const addressParsed = aeternityAdapter.parseAddress(address);


Parse AE amount to aetto amount i.e. 0.1 to 100000000000000000

const result = aeternityAdapter.parseToNative(amount);


Parse aetto amount to AE amount i.e. 100000000000000000 to 0.1

const result = aeternityAdapter.parseFromNative(amount);


Returns object of type UserInputSwap.

const swapInput = aeternityAdapter.formatInput(data, receiver);


const jellyAeternity = require("@jelly-swap/aeternity");

const config = jellyAeternity.Config();

const httpProvider = new jellyAeternity.Providers.HTTP(config, {
  publicKey: "ak_SMwGaaRfryc8s7wPhpa1jzxAAtJfkWz2rZG5zrBny968Eqiqr",

const adapter = new jellyAeternity.Adapter();

const { fixHash } = require("@jelly-swap/utils");

const aeternityContract = new jellyAeternity.Contract(httpProvider);

async function start() {
  // Subscribe for contract events and pass handle function
  await aeternityContract.subscribe(e => {

  // Get past blockchain events
  const swaps = await aeternityContract.getPastEvents();
  // { eventName: 'NEW_CONTRACT',
  //      network: 'AE',
  //      id:
  //       'b15bc721ef3b6d50b110aebea870b0ddccb71221014a6e5ae76ee524fe9da990',
  //      sender: 'ak_2ifr2XxhrMskWdnXZqJE2mVhhwhXYvQD6nRGYLMR5mTSHW4RZz',
  //      receiver: 'ak_SxZpugqQpL6qBpDd5mUjs5mbHhCLjSK9V3DGLxk1kXyc2Uj42',
  //      outputNetwork: 'ETH',
  //      outputAddress: '0xF684C21Ec023E93da0B402ac0a274317eb51C2c7',
  //      inputAmount: '95285930000000000000',
  //      outputAmount: '100000000000000000',
  //      expiration: '1577530273701',
  //      hashLock:
  //       '0x1f379a22ab114074d40e4fe7eb5c2493a1ddd3c0b7066e222d2087f0330f66df',
  //      transactionHash: 'th_2TiizaRHoSEiFQy1woCGi87sGV97cR7E9jiSFVqSMq1TopA1yB' }

  const withdraws = await aeternityContract.getPastEvents("withdraw", w => w);
  // { eventName: 'WITHDRAW',
  //      network: 'AE',
  //      id:
  //       '0xc44499faac054495162e19b13f949ea4dbc2a327c2cf0c674be716f0a853cf19',
  //      sender: 'ak_2ifr2XxhrMskWdnXZqJE2mVhhwhXYvQD6nRGYLMR5mTSHW4RZz',
  //      receiver: 'ak_2oJ2LR2N5jy5hZsxYnu9fynhUztbbuFyFp16ENPrkRidSVHCcL',
  //      hashLock:
  //       '0x97e7c1bb168c06e0d068c8d6b1f276eba8fc927f7cc6cb7943ee24d13e242329',
  //      secret:
  //       '0x1652d513caca3a90c18d93bd0ed358d546ff0bcc147e7128116da64fef3d4fc2',
  //      transactionHash: 'th_ozHApXME3zNxcp3QAL8PdE266DwmxiKFEw2WVaGpXEbm46Cjm' },

  const refunds = await aeternityContract.getPastEvents("refund", r => r);
  // { eventName: 'REFUND',
  //      network: 'AE',
  //      id:
  //       '0xeae5087c274a7d120f24b0568e23f35fcf57d8211888f745dfd5c0299af7f1c7',
  //      sender: 'ak_2ifr2XxhrMskWdnXZqJE2mVhhwhXYvQD6nRGYLMR5mTSHW4RZz',
  //      receiver: 'ak_29GUBTrWTMb3tRUUgbVX1Bgwi2hyVhB8Q1befNsjLnP46Ub1V8',
  //      hashLock:
  //       '0x573d07a76d833e5ce4a69008496c23f3167be3ea224cd5dab821e36fc54d6205',
  //      transactionHash: 'th_1DRrRDMUacMZCLUaHQFGgj7HLzfTVy1vLKWascPAHNU8DzbAP' },

  const currentBlock = await aeternityContract.getCurrentBlock();

  const balance = await aeternityContract.getBalance(

  const ids = [

  const fixedIds = => fixHash(i, false));

  const statuses = await aeternityContract.getStatus(fixedIds);
  console.log("STATUSES", statuses);
  // REFUNDED: 1,
  // EXPIRED: 1

  // ================ SWAP ================
  const userInputSwap = {
    inputAmount: "1",
    outputAddress: "0xdd74dd2697206a910c42f9f5ef8c760a306483b8",
    outputAmount: "1",
    outputNetwork: "ETH",
      "pond cram isolate kite float moon tongue firm spirit hand peace together",
    sender: "ak_SMwGaaRfryc8s7wPhpa1jzxAAtJfkWz2rZG5zrBny968Eqiqr"

  const swap = adapter.formatInput(userInputSwap);
  // { inputAmount: '1000000000000000000',
  // outputAddress: '0xdd74dd2697206a910c42f9f5ef8c760a306483b8',
  // outputAmount: '1',
  // outputNetwork: 'ETH',
  // secret: 'pond cram isolate kite float moon tongue firm spirit hand peace together',
  // sender: 'ak_SMwGaaRfryc8s7wPhpa1jzxAAtJfkWz2rZG5zrBny968Eqiqr',
  // expiration: 1581337000814,
  // hashLock: '0x2a0bb3c4377b6a1c854d24f06c93022fd8798397e315db1f51b6da2d40350907',
  // receiver: 'ak_2ifr2XxhrMskWdnXZqJE2mVhhwhXYvQD6nRGYLMR5mTSHW4RZz',
  // network: 'AE',
  // options: { amount: '1000000000000000000' } }

  //broadcast swap transaction
  try {
    await aeternityContract.newContract(swap);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("Failed to get tx hash from AE explorer.");

  // ================ REFUND ================
  const refund = {
    id: "b55da87ed3922def59ab1f3a55999082cb2abbe8ba42ccc492c9436644994f93"

  try {
    const refundHash = await aeternityContract.refund(refund);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("Refund Error. Check timestamp and id params.");

  // ================ WITHDRAW ================
  const withdraw = {
    id: "6a7206270cbc6efc60e117bcb762747dd7ca700e01d622f27ac35483ea222d2b",
    secret: "4e9d424bfac1c8c5b7de6da1968ca6ac72d27c33e9552e91c12ad57266f2c9c6"

  try {
    const withdrawHash = await aeternityContract.withdraw(withdraw);
  } catch (e) {
    console.log("Withdraw Error. Check timestamp, id and secret params.");

Last updated